
To get warranty repair you need receipt (if you bought in local shop) or copy of online receipt (if you bought on website).

If something happens with your product within 14 days, we will replace it within 1-2 working days. In case something happens to your product after 14 days, we will send your product to the service for repair. Average waiting time 1-5 weeks (depends of product).

14 days return policy:

14 days return policy is the consumer's right to return ordered item within 14 calendar days and get full money refund. 
Return will be not accepted if:

- goods returned after 14 days
- if the product have visible signs of use
- if the product has a special limited edition (for example, limited color, Collector's Edition, Steelbook Edition, etc.)
- if the product is sold digitally (for example, activation codes, license codes, etc.)
- if wrond product was sent and it was opened (for example, you ordered game for PS5 and got for Xbox and game was opened).
- if the product cannot be returned due to hygiene reasons (toothbrushes, in-ear headphones, VR glasses

Return process:

Please write email to [email protected] with letter theme: "Return order "XXXXX" and description of problem or reason of return/refund.