New website = new look
Finally we made this and spend about 4 months to create this new and beatifull website. Starting from April we will stop update our old website From one side, this is sad thing because GoStation born more than 5 years ago and only this word for many of our customers associated with gaming. But we are growing and we was necessary change something. Firstly we planned change only website but in final we changed our brand as well.
So, what differences?
- Now everything work faster and new categories are not hidden as was in our old website.
- Planned delivery time depending on your delivery choice now can be found on product pages
- More clear information about warranty, delivery & returns
- Possibility add wishlists
- Possibility buy phisical and digital gift cards
- New filters was added to some categories
- New categories was added, such as: mobile phones, tablets, e-books, merchandise and some more will be added soon (smart-watches, Smart-Home and more).
- New design was made to make you happy and easy to browse between categories. Main idea was create beautifull & easy website. We hope we did it =)
- Possibility start business with us (B2B page and B2B pricelist was made)
Future functions:
- B2B programm
- Affiliate programm